The New Face of Communism


  • Radarmas Universitas Kristen Palangka Raya


Communism, New Faces


Communism is still alive. Nowadays, in Indonesia , the exsistence of commmunism is being used as an issue in political conspiration to kick out political enemies. The new emerging economic power such as China communist, proves that communism is still alive, but there some differencies between old communism and  nowadays communism, especially in economy , while politically, there is no big difference between the old and new communism. That’s why we still have to alert of communism, but in other hand, we could learn from them, especially how it manages to keep the state authority and honor.



How to Cite

Radarmas. (2020). The New Face of Communism. NYULI, Jurnal Pemikiran Sosial Dan Politik, 1(2), 121–140. Retrieved from