The Impact of Globalization on Cultural Acculturation in Influencing Communication Style


  • Alexander Pramono Universitas Kristen Palangka Raya


Globalization, Cultural Acculturation, Communication Styles


Globalization without us knowing it has an impact on Indonesia, this is due to the many cultures that have entered, causing problems in various parts of the country. Indonesian culture can change because Indonesian people prefer to imitate foreign cultures. In this case, it is necessary to have a good communication style to overcome cultural differences. When we interact with other people, it must involve people from different cultural backgrounds, good communication style also aims to learn the cultural values of someone who is interacting with us. This study aims to analyze the impact of globalization on cultural acculturation, the impact of globalization on influencing communication styles, and the impact of globalization on cultural acculturation in influencing communication styles. In this case the writer uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis method by collecting data and information through literature review. The results of the study show that globalization has an impact on acculturation of culture, globalization has an impact on influencing communication styles, and globalization has an impact on cultural acculturation in influencing communication styles




How to Cite

Pramono, A. (2021). The Impact of Globalization on Cultural Acculturation in Influencing Communication Style. NYULI, Jurnal Pemikiran Sosial Dan Politik, 2(2), 90–98. Retrieved from