Performance of Government Apparatus in Issuing Business Licenses Trading at the Capital Investment Service and One Stop Integrated Service in Gunung Mas Regency


  • Evy Novitasari Ibie Universitas Kristen Palangka Raya


Performance Apparatus, Good Governance


The main problem in this study is show theperformance of the goverment apparatus in the issuance of Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan and factors that hinder the performance of SIUP publishing. The study aims to determine the actual situation and obtain a picture of the various issues that arise in the issuance of SIUP and to describe matters relating to the performance of government apparatus service to the community in the Gunung Mas district. The approach used is qualitatve and descriptive research. Data collection techniques use two peoses of activities, namely interviews and documentation. While the analysis techniques used in this study are data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results shpwed that the performance of the goverment apparatus in the issuance of SIUP in the Gunung mas district trade service was quite good, because the characteristics or indikator of goog governance such as transparancy legal fromeworks, in responding to various compleints by the public could be met properly, responsiveness of the needs and conditios of service had been implemented when there were complaints, effectiveness and efficiency by using availabel sources have been implemented, and acountability can be accounted for properly. The factors that hamper the performance of SIUP publishing service when viewed from the aspect of apparatus performance are the lact of human resources (employees) administration and the presence of officers who do not understand their duties, minimal and the existence of equipment that is demaged and has not been repaired or peplacesd so it is felt that it has not been able to provide good governance for the community




How to Cite

Ibie, E. N. (2021). Performance of Government Apparatus in Issuing Business Licenses Trading at the Capital Investment Service and One Stop Integrated Service in Gunung Mas Regency. NYULI, Jurnal Pemikiran Sosial Dan Politik, 2(2), 109–125. Retrieved from