Getting to know the Maanyan Dayak Tribe


  • Effrata Universitas PGRI Palangka Raya


Dayak Tribe, Dayak Maanyan, East Barito Regency


Dayak Maanyan culture is a whole system of ideas, actions and work Dayak Maanyan people in the context of the Dayak community life that is owned Dayak humans by learning. This means that the culture and customs already engrained in the life of the Dayak Maanyan people, their ownership is not through biological inheritance that exists in the Dayak human body, but is obtained through learning process that is passed down from generation to generation. This study aims to describe the life of the Dayak Maanyan people in East Barito Regency, especially those relating to history, customs or beliefs, and Dayak Maanyan regional art. This research uses a descriptive method. Approach research used in research that is using a qualitative approach. Based on the results of the study found that Dayak Maanyan tribe according to legend down hereditary, this group came from sourt Asia including Proto Melayu. From that story spoken by Wadian Matei during the death ceremony of Marubia Kiyaen, the Dayak Tribe Maanyan in its development also has a belief system and customs held firmly as a form of respect for the ancestors. Original trust Dayak Maanyan, God is called Talamana Tuah Hukat (Alatala) as the supreme ruler bring safety and life. In addition there are also special arts of the Dayak Tribe Maanyan which is always preserved such as dance, sound art, carving, and so on. Generally arts such as dance and sound srt depart from the traditions of the Dayak Maanyan in religious ceremonies such as Dadas dance, Bawo dance, and sound art Nyiang Lengan, etc.



How to Cite

Effrata. (2020). Getting to know the Maanyan Dayak Tribe. NYULI, Jurnal Pemikiran Sosial Dan Politik, 1(1), 58–73. Retrieved from