Vote Buying in Village Head Election Politics


  • Kisno Hadi Universitas Kristen Palangka Raya
  • Apri Herdayanto Universitas Kristen Palangka Raya


Vote buying, local politic, political choices, political education


This article is a research result conducted at February to June, 2019. It describes on vote buying phenomenon in the Kepala Desa election in Tajah Antang Raya village, Rungan Barat district, Gunung Mas Regency, Central Kalimantan province at 2018. Acctually, this phenomenon is not a recent rumour but a fact that happened a few years ago. The research method used qualitative descriptive and case study approach. There are three research results i.e., firstly, village community political choices are influenced by vote buying of candidates; secondly, since the position and power were derived from vote that buying from the people, an ideal character of leader never being a consideration; and thirdly, the lack of political education of government or political elite are give contribution and influence attitude to village community on election moment. Two purpose of this article are: the first, to give information on how harshnesses of vote buying phenomenon in Tajah Antang Raya village; and the second, to know kinds of factors that influencing vote buying. The main theory for data analyzing is patronage theory and clientilism of Edward Aspinall



How to Cite

Hadi, K., & Herdayanto, A. (2021). Vote Buying in Village Head Election Politics. NYULI, Jurnal Pemikiran Sosial Dan Politik, 2(1), 57–69. Retrieved from